Hi! I'm Edward Hesketh
A little about me
I'm a hardware and software designer, and all-round maker.
I work primarily with C, Go, and Nix+NixOS for my personal projects, with experience in C++, C#, Typescript/Javascript, HTML, and a little Lua.
Personal projects
Experience and Qualifications
- Finalist in the BAFTA Young Game Designers competition of both 2021 and 2023.
Highly Commended in the Institute For Research in Schools' DNA Origami Project for
my open source contributions to UC Davis's DNA structure design tool.
This was also featured in an article by the University of Leeds. - Achieved a Grade 9 in GCSE Computer Science at age 14 - 2 years early
A little more about me
I play jazz piano, and performed in the funk band at my school for 2 years. I also did technical work for my school's music and drama theatre for a year, running sound, lighting, and projections for live stage performances.
Conferences attended
I'm available at 777b7a60757760547170637566707c3a707162, and will always try to reply within 1-2 days.